BACR Emerson Q2 Photo5


The Oakland Fund for Children and Youth was established in 1996, when Oakland voters passed the Kids First! Initiative (Measure K), an amendment to the City Charter, to support direct services to youth under 21 years of age. In 2009, Measure D replaced Measure K and reauthorized funding for the Oakland Fund for Children and Youth for an additional twelve years (2010-2022). Measure D established OFCY funds as 3% of the City's unrestricted General Fund and required a three-year strategic plan to guide the allocation of funds. In 2020, City Council decided to reauthorize the fund for a third 12-year cycle.

Planning & Oversight Committee Meeting

Wednesday, September 4, 2024, from 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm   Oakland City Hall, Hearing Room 4

OFCY 2024 - Community Input Survey


FINAL v2 Revised Community Input Survey All In On Flyer