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OFCY Funding

Oakland City Charter establishes the Oakland Fund for Children and Youth and establishes that three percent (3%) of the City's unrestricted General Purpose Fund.  The charter requires that 90% of these funds are provided as grants for direct services in support of Oakland children and youth from birth through 21 years of age.

OFCY provides grants to non-profit and government agencies through a three-year funding cycle, with funding guided by a Strategic Investment Plan and solicited through an open Request for Proposal process.

Funding for FY 2023-2024 for Summer (June 1, 2023 - September 30, 2024) and Full Year (July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024) OFCY programs was approved by Oakland City Council June 6, 2023. Programs are in their second year of the three-year grant cycle (2022-2025). Grants are for one year and can be renewed in year three (2024-2025) with council approval.