BACR Brookfield Q2 Photo6

2020-2021 Evaluation


2020-2021 Year-End Independent Evaluation Report

Each year, an independent evaluation is conducted by an outside agency to assess the impact of OFCY funding. OFCY uses a Results-Based Accountability (RBA) framework to explore impact at the fund level, at strategy level, and at the program level.

Social Policy Research Associates (SPR) produced an extensive evaluation report that consists of three section:

  1. Main Report (Across all OFCY programs)
  2. Strategy-Level Analysis (Separate reports for each of the 9 strategies)
  3. Program Level Evaluation: Program Profiles of the 149 grant-funded programs operating in 2020-2021.


Section A) 2020-2021 Year-End Evaluation Report (Main Report)

Section B) Strategy-Level Reports

  1. Socioemotional Well-Being in Preschool and Early Childhood Education Settings
  2. Parent Engagement and Support
  3. Family Resource Centers
  4. Comprehensive Afterschool Programs
  5. Engagement and Success for Elementary and Middle School Students
  6. Summer Programs
  7. Youth Development and Leadership
  8. High School and Postsecondary Student Success
  9. Career Awareness and Employment Support


Section C) Program Profiles (by Strategy Area)

  1. Socioemotional Well-Being in Preschool and Early Childhood Education Settings
  2. Parent Engagement and Support
  3. Family Resource Centers
  4. Comprehensive Afterschool Programs
  5. Engagement and Success for Elementary and Middle School Students
  6. Summer Programs
  7. Youth Development and Leadership
  8. High School and Postsecondary Student Success
  9. Career Awareness and Employment Support