
Grantee Corner


All grant recipients are required to fulfill contractual obligations and participate in a rigorous report monitoring system. This includes quarterly reports on program activities, participation, clients served, program invoicing, matching funds and more.

All grantees are required to participate fully in the OFCY independent evaluation process so that meaningful data may be gathered to report to all parties interested in the Fund. Participation includes attending trainings and workshops, gathering adequate data on effort and results at the evaluator's request (including surveys of enrolled participants), and hosting site visits.

OFCY works with independent evaluators Social Policy Research  Associates (SPR) to evaluate all OFCY funded programs. For more information on SPR, please visit their website at www.spra.com

Click below for more information:

Please contact your grant monitor for specific questions pertaining to your grant: Terry Hill at thill@oaklandnet.com, Chantal Reynolds at creynolds@oaklandnet.com, Scott Kim at sskim@oaklandnet.com or Janice Edwards at jedwards@oaklandnet.com